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USD Classic Throne Pro Nick Lomax

Nick Lomax has made his impact on rolling. After traveling around Europe and USA Nick has left no one in doubt that he is one of the worlds best skaters. He has his own style, his own personality and his own signature tricks - The perfect attributes for a Pro skater, and subsequently a Pro skate.


The highest honor at USD is a Classic Throne Pro model, but not only has Lomax earned this with flying colors, he is also the first ever European skater to receive such an honor.

Nick combined with artist Russell Meehan and the help of Tom Ashmore to create an original setup combining blue/grey and white and some great UK artwork with details of his hometown, Manchester.

The skates include Sifika Chicago liners, UC Pro wheels and Kizer Fluid frames.

All parts used on this skate are of the highest quality, meaning you really have one of the most powerful Throne skates ever made.